Friday, March 15, 2013

What I love and dislike about Taiwan

So I have decided that after staying in Taiwan for about a month now, I have decided to write a blog on what I love about Taiwan and what I dislike (hate is too strong of a word to express my complaints that I may have about this country so I chose the word dislike instead).

Let's start with the bad news first since I like to save the best for last:

1. Students are less willing to speak out and participate in class discussions: I mean come on why am I always the first to raise my hand in class? Sometimes I am also the only one raising my hand to speak out because others are too shy or they did not prepare for class. At times, I feel people might become complacent and depend on me to answer all the questions so they can avoid the professor asking them questions. I shouldn't be this upset but I think the fault lies with the education system here in Taiwan that basically demolishes any bouts of curiosity or creativity these students may have had since the educational culture relies so much on testing. On another note, the classes here don't seem engaging here as a result.

2. People staring at me: Perhaps this is something I should expect from a racially homogeneous nation but for god sakes if you've lived in Taipei or been to a bigger city and have seen foreigners, please don't stare at me. I am just a foreigner not a pokemon collection.

3. Passiveness: Okay, if I have done something wrong, please don't apologize for being honest. Just tell me honestly and I will not be angry with you. Too often people hold back on their feelings and do not express them because they don't want to hurt my feelings. It shouldn't be like that. You should be able to verbalize your feelings in a manner that does not offend me but still gets your point across.

4. Hard to find trashcans here!

Okay...that's enough for the bad news...looks like I haven't compiled that big of a list to begin with so that's good news to right? I would think so! Typically, my list would go on to listing more than 20 things but I don't think these complaints are very noticeable. 

HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS GUYS....For all you Taiwan enthusiasts

1. THE FOOD HERE IS SENSATIONAL (also convinient to find): Just take a bite and see for yourself!

2. Politeness and kindness of others is unparalleled!

3. Transportation is convenient and cheap!

4. Traditional characters are beautiful!

5. If you are into learning more about the traditional Chinese culture, Taiwan is the place:  Taiwan has preserved many of the ancient historical artifacts of China that would have been other wise lost during the cultural revolution!

6. I have adjusted to this country quicker than I thought

7. I feel really comfortable with the life here because I don't really need to get things I don't need in order to survive.

8. Places and greenery are a sight to see!

9. Taiwan preserves many aspects of traditional Chinese culture within a modern democracy (can you beat that?)

10. And you know what? This place will truly steal your heart!

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